In July, this feeling takes shape with some of the most popular and well known musicians expected to perform during Sunday service at Gilford Community Church (GCC). Violinist Sasha Callahan and cellist Leo Eguchi perform on July 10; Belle Tones and Chris Tompkins with Cindie Graham perform on July 17; flutist Mary Kay Robinson performs on July 24; and singer, guitarist, and band leader Paul Warnick performs on July 31.
GCC’s Summer Music Series continues weekly every Sunday through September 4. Featuring all musical styles from classical to contemporary, performances take place during Sunday services, which begin at 10 a.m. In addition to strong natural acoustics due to the shape of the sanctuary, GCC features a state-of-the-art sound system.
Located in Gilford, NH, GCC is an inclusive, open community with a broadly ecumenical spirit that welcomes people from all denominational and cultural backgrounds. Viewable live on Sundays at 10 a.m. through a livestream feed on GCC’s website at gilfordcommunitychurch.org, services take place at 19 Potter Hill Rd., Gilford, NH.