According to GCC Pastor Michael Graham, the seminar provided insight into how to respond to an active threat to the church along with safety measures that can be put in place now to help mitigate risk. “Holding this seminar was something that has been on our minds for a while,” he said. “Our desire to hold this seminar was sadly more recently provoked by the latest rounds of senseless shootings.”
“The seminar was excellent – Gilford is fortunate to have such professional law enforcement,” noted Graham. “We took away three of four things that we should definitely implement here at the church.”
As for future seminars, Graham said one topic they plan to cover is cybersecurity. “This would also be open to the public, as this is an issue that affects everyone,” he added.
Located in Gilford, NH, Gilford Community Church (GCC) is an inclusive, open community with a broadly ecumenical spirit that welcomes people from all denominational and cultural backgrounds. Viewable live on YouTube, Sunday service takes place at 10 a.m. at 19 Potter Hill Rd., Gilford, NH and is also available on a livestream feed on GCC’s Facebook page.