Betsy Bright decided to join after several years of attending GCC. “I have always liked how involved the church is in helping others,” said Bright. “Michael was very kind to me when I lost my husband at the end of January. Even though I wasn’t a member then, he called me several times and met me once during those first few difficult months,” she added.
“My main reason for having delayed in joining was because I do not believe many of the tenets of the church. I am a sceptic but really like the many good works the church embraces,” she said. “Recently, Michael said in a sermon that the most important word in Gilford Community Church was not church but community. Every week in the church program, all are welcome whether they are believers, atheists, or skeptics. I finally feel comfortable joining the church family and look forward to becoming involved,” added Bright.
Expressing enthusiasm for the new members, Pastor Michael Graham said he hopes more people, locals and those who visit the Lakes Region in the summer, can give GCC a chance. “We are not just a building,” he said. “We are an inclusive, open community that welcomes people from all denominational and cultural backgrounds.”
Located in Gilford at 19 Potter Hill Rd and viewable live on Facebook, Sunday service takes place at 10 a.m.
(Pictured front row L to R: Ed Finch, Karissa Avery holding Charlotte Avery, Christy & Steve Cegelski, Linda French. Back row L to R: Sue Belanger, Betsy Bright, Debbie & Tom Brady)