Confirmation is open to students grades 8-12. The program usually lasts 6-7 months and is led by Amber McLane. There are three components to the Confirmation program: working with mentors, visiting other places of worship, and a weekend local service trip in the spring.
Confirmation students are asked to select a mentor - an adult in our faith community with whom they can develop a relationship that will create opportunities for students to question, clarify and confirm their faith. Mentors may not be parents of current confirmation students. Students and mentors meet monthly. Each mentor gathering will meet after worship and concentrate on a theme. In order to define themselves in the context of organized religion, other places of worship are visited. Each visit begins with a conversation with leaders from that particular community of faith. There is always the opportunity to ask questions. At the last gathering with mentors, students will present their faith journeys. Each will be unique and reflective of their own experience in Confirmation. There will be a special "Confirmation Sunday." This will complete the program. Following service, there will be a breakfast for our confirmation class, mentors and family members, following service. |