“He cannot get around like he used to, so we spent a lot of time clearing brush,” said Hodsdon. “You couldn’t even see his house from the street because of all the brush. We had Jason Drouin from Drouin Custom Homes spent time here working with us, too.”
This recent job was likely “the biggest” project the group has taken on to date. “We have probably had 15 to 20 people that have come to work on this particular job - some everyday and some just one day,” said Hodsdon, who emphasized OCP’s community-based approach.

According to Michael Graham, Pastor of Gilford Community Church, OCP is important because it reflects the church’s “inclusive philosophy.”
“We are a church deeply rooted in our community, and this project provides everyone here - not just church members - with the unique opportunity to work together to make a difference,” he said. “One Community Project is about just that - one community - and we are honored to see this initiative continue to grow.”