GCC's capacity to serve the community in this way is enhanced by its close proximity to Gilford Youth Center (GYC), which it helped found in 2009. Located next door on the GCC campus, GYC is also available for use by community organizations. “It’s a wonderful space available to any organization that serves the community,” added Graham.
Some of these programs include Senior Moment-um, Senior Strides, Santa Land, Adult Pickleball, Youth Soccer, and Youth Basketball. The Gilford Parks and Recreation Department also holds meetings for various committees at GCC. “All the staff at both GCC and GYC are great to work with—very accommodating, cooperative, and understanding of our needs,” added King.
Noting they meet at GCC every Wednesday, Keith Gandini of BSA Troop 243 referred to church facilities as “the heart of the community.” “It’s always a hub of activity, hosting fundraisers and a variety of community outreach events,” he said. “It also serves as a place for people to gather during difficult times, regardless of whether or not people are members of the church.”
Gilford Rotary Club also regularly uses GCC’s campus, as President Nick Trudel said they host a weekly breakfast there. “It's great for us because of the location and kitchen to support breakfast,” he said. “We have over 50 members, so the large space is accommodating.”
In reflecting on their broad based mission to make a difference in Gilford and surrounding communities, Graham said he looks forward to “strengthening existing relationships and forging new ones.” “Churches and other places of worship have a responsibility to serve their communities in ways that bring people together,” he said. “For us, ‘creating space’ is an inclusive metaphor as well as how we conduct our business.”
Located in Gilford at 19 Potter Hill Rd, Gilford Community Church (GCC) is an inclusive, open community that welcomes believers and doubters, seekers and skeptics, young and old. Viewable live on YouTube, Sunday service takes place at 10 a.m. at 19 Potter Hill Rd., Gilford, NH and is also available on a livestream feed on GCC’s Facebook page.