Reverend Graham said they have given so much of themselves to the church and our larger community. “I cannot imagine our church without them; their willingness to use their gifts to enrich our community is inspiring.”
Jim Colburn leads the church group that prepares meals for Isaiah 61 Café. “Jim,” Graham said, “prepares meals that you would enjoy in a fancy restaurant. I know the guests always look forward to the meals when he cooks. Jim also comes over early every Sunday morning, to start the coffee. And Anne has done so many different things over the years, several sewing projects for the church, and has donated beautiful quilts for the church fairs. She is also famous for her deviled eggs, which she frequently brings to coffee hour.”
Church Council Chair, Sue Allen, reflects on how extremely fortunate we are to have Jessica Fleck as the Chair of our Outreach Committee, she has served in that capacity since 2013. “Under her leadership, the Outreach Committee works year-round to meet the needs of others, locally and beyond, with the goal of making a difference in their lives”, said Allen.
Nancy Milligan has served on the Care and Concern Committee since 2017. Her committee assists with transportation for medical appointments, delivering meals, and visiting members, just to name a few things they do. Allen added, “With Nancy's warm smile and gentle ways, I am certain many have found comfort receiving a note, a phone call, or a friendly visit from her during the time she has served on that committee.”
“Warren Hutchins has spearheaded so many important projects at the church” Graham said. “He was an integral part of our expansion committee, he helped the church install energy efficient LED lighting throughout our campus and was involved with the installation of an air purification system in response to Covid-19. Most recently, he and Al Rollins, were the key players in the church’s solar panel installation which has significantly reduced the church’s energy footprint.”
We are so grateful for each of their contributions to the church. Truly our membership is the church’s greatest asset.
Located in Gilford at 19 Potter Hill Rd, Gilford Community Church (GCC) is an inclusive, open community that welcomes believers and doubters, seekers and skeptics, young and old. Viewable live on FaceBook, Sunday service takes place at 10 a.m. To learn more about GCC, or virtually attend service, visit