Melissa Fullerton’s parents, Betty and Shel Kennedy, were members of the Gilford Community Church in the 1980's & 90's, until their passing in 1998 & 2001. “Whenever Tom & I (and the kids) were here visiting, we attended GCC with them if possible. My parents loved the church,” she said.
“When Tom and I decided to move back to New England after we retired, we knew we wanted to find a church and a community to belong to. We read about a few other churches, but GCC stood out to us because of the outward focus & inclusiveness of the church. It is truly a community church that welcomes everyone, and that is very important to us,” added Fullerton.
“We both look forward to getting to know more people in the church and figuring out how we want to help in the many ministries GCC supports.”
Located in Gilford at 19 Potter Hill Rd, Gilford Community Church (GCC) is an inclusive, open community that welcomes believers and doubters, seekers and skeptics, young and old. Viewable live on Facebook, Sunday service takes place at 10 a.m.
(Seated L to R: Tom Fullerton and Charlie Kellogg; Standing L to R: Melissa Fullerton, Charlotte “Char” Landow, Linda Farrell, Patty Amora-Pender and Kathy Killeen)