Meet a climate scientist in Gilford, NH! Climate Up Close is coming to the Gilford Community Church for a presentation and group discussion on the science of climate change. In partnership with the Gilford Public Library, GCC is hosting our event on Thursday, August 1st, beginning with a Potluck Dinner at 5pm and the Presentation at 6pm. Featuring scientists from Harvard University, UC Berkeley, NYU, and NOAA, this is an event you won’t want to miss. Learn more at
Located in Gilford at 19 Potter Hill Road, the Gilford Community Church (GCC) is an inclusive, open community that welcomes believers and doubters, seekers and skeptics, young and old. Viewable live on Facebook and available on YouTube, Sunday service at GCC takes place at 10 a.m. To learn more, or virtually attend service, visit
Located in Gilford at 19 Potter Hill Road, the Gilford Community Church (GCC) is an inclusive, open community that welcomes believers and doubters, seekers and skeptics, young and old. Viewable live on Facebook and available on YouTube, Sunday service at GCC takes place at 10 a.m. To learn more, or virtually attend service, visit