We will again be collecting donations at the GNO event for the New Beginnings Shelter. They are currently in need of the following items: Diapers (sizes 4, 5, & 6), Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, Twin Size Blankets/Comforters, Shampoo/Conditioner, Laundry Soap, Silverware, Twin Sheets, Boys Clothing (sizes 2T-16) and kid’s shoes.
Located in Gilford at 19 Potter Hill Rd, the Gilford Community Church (GCC) is an inclusive, open community that welcomes believers and doubters, seekers and skeptics, young and old. Viewable live on YouTube, Sunday service at GCC takes place at 10 a.m. To learn more about GCC, or virtually attend service, visit gilfordcommunitychurch.org.